Ancestry UK

Langford Cross Children's Home, Heybridge, near Maldon, Essex

On 15th March, 1927, the Langford Cross Children's Home at Holloway Road, Heybridge, near Maldon, was certified as an Industrial School for 11 children under the age of eight. The Home, which had previously been based at Witham, was initially superintended by Miss K.L. Hunt, with Miss Hester Janet Booth taking over in the early 1930s.

Former Longford Cross Home, Heybridge.

The Home resigned its Industrial School certificate on 29th December 1933. However, it appears to have continued in operation as a home for orphan and destitute children until around 1938. It then relocated to premises at East Clandon, Surrey.


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  • None identfied at present — any information welcome.


  • None noted at present.