Children's Homes and Institutions in Isle of Wight, England
AB=Northern Ireland Area Board; AS=Approved School; BC=Borough Council; BI=Borstal;
CC=County Council; CHE=Community Home; CS=Certified School; DB=Barnardo's;
DC=Detention Centre; IS=Industrial School; LA=Ladies' Association; LC=London Borough Council;
LD=List D; MB=Mothers/Babies; MH=Magdalen Home; NCH=National Children's Home;
PHm=Probation Home; PHs=Probation Hostel; PL=Poor Law Home; Rfy=Reformatory School;
SA=Salvation Army; WS=Waifs & Strays / Children's Society.
Links marked * are to pages on
- Isle of Wight Union/Council Scattered Homes (Boys and Girls), 'Montrose', Arreton* (PL/CC)
- Isle of Wight Council Home, 1-2 Richmond Row, Brading (CC)
- Isle of Wight Council Home, Parklands, Park Road, Cowes (CC)
- Isle of Wight Union/Council Scattered Home (Boys), 'The Rosary', East Cowes* (PL/CC)
- Broadlands Home, Broadlands House, Newport
- Camp Hill Borstal, Camp Hill, Newport (BI)
- The Hostel, Staplers Road, Newport (MH/MB)
- Mount House, Staplers Road, Newport (MB)
- Isle of Wight Council Glen Alva, 4 Arnold Road, Binstead, Ryde (CC)
- Isle of Wight Council Home, Fernside, Ashley Road, Ryde (CC)
- St Andrew's Home for Children, East Turret House, Spring Vale, Ryde (MH)
- Ryde Rescue and Preventive Home, Hope Cottage, 17 Pellhurst Road, Ryde (MH)
- Ryde Rescue and Preventive Home, Orchardleigh, Pellhurst Road, Ryde (MH)
- St Faith's Home of Refuge, Pellhurst Road, Ryde (MH)
- Church Army Home, Thornbury, Spencer Road, Ryde
- GFS Home of Rest, Winchester House, Sandown Road, Shanklin
- St Boniface Cottage for Girls, Ventnor (CS)
- Isle of Wight Union/Council Scattered Home (Infants), Holford House, New Road, Wootton Bridge* (PL/CC)
- St Swithin' Nautical School, Eastmore, Yarmouth (AS)
Except where indicated, this page () © Peter Higginbotham. Contents may not be reproduced without permission.