Ancestry UK

Boys' Industrial Brigade and Home, Belfast, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland

The Boys' Industrial Brigade and Home was established in 1875 by David Henderson. Henderson was born in 1851 in Dundee, Scotland, but came to Belfast in around 1874. He initially engaged in the flour trade. After that failed, he became a paper merchant. After becoming involved in mission work in the city, he founded the Brigade 'to rescue orphan, homeless and destitute street arab, and criminal lads from the perils of temptations of street life; to educate them and teach them useful trades, so that, instead of becoming a terror to society, they may be brought up in health and happiness, to lead honest, useful lives.'

The Home initially occupied a house in Glengall Street, then soon moving to larger premises at 25-27 Malone Place, where up to thirty boys could be accommodated.

The home had ceased operation by 1883 when Henderson opened the Elim Home for Destitute Boys and Girls on Crumlin Road, Belfast.


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  • None identfied at present — any information welcome.


  • None identified at present.